Saturday, October 11, 2008

Maurice Sendak Poems

Imagine my surprise when CJ started reciting poetry in the car one day.  His teacher, Ms. Courtney, has been teaching the kids poems by Maurice Sendak.  I would not have though that a 4-year old would be ready to memorize poetry, but you can see the results for yourself.  Of course, it helps that the poems and are silly and fun.

Here are the words, since CJ is talking so quickly.

September by Maurice Sendak

In September for a while,
I will ride a crocodile
Down the chicken soup-y Nile.
Paddle once, paddle twice,
paddle chicken soup with rice...

October by Maurice Sendak

In October, I'll be host 
to witches, goblins and a ghost.
I'll serve them chicken soup on toast.
Whoopy once
whoopy twice
whoopy chicken soup with rice.


Unknown said...

Thanks so much for the info about Sendak. Too Shy to Stop writer Ariela Rose just did a piece about the Sendak exhibit in Philadelphia for our magazine. You can read the article here.

Joanna Pineda said...

Thanks for the link to the article by Ariela Rose. CJ's teacher continues to teach the kids all of the chicken soup poems by Maurice Sendak. December was all about slipper ice and chicken soup, of course! CJ said: Mama, this man really likes chicken soup! :-)