Saturday, October 30, 2010

Thank Goodness for Friends and Family

Marcus John was born on September 10 and we could not have managed the logistics without family and friends.

My mom flew into town on September 9 so she could be here for the delivery and the baby's first few weeks. If the baby came before September 10, three amazing friends (Jonathan, Tree, Eileen) volunteered to come at the drop of a hat and stay with CJ. We are very, very lucky to have such great friends. In fact, they came a couple of evenings but I was in false labor, no cigar, no baby.

On September 10, my mom got CJ ready for school and neighbors drove him to school. That afternoon, Maki's parents picked him up and brought him home.

On Saturday (while Maki, the baby and I were still in the hospital), Maki's parents took CJ to his swimming class and took him to lunch. In the afternoon, Maki's parents, my mom and CJ visited us in the hospital.

I don't even know what we would have done without our family and friends. I guess that's why they say it takes a village to raise a family!

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