Wednesday, May 16, 2012

MJ is Signing!

As with CJ, Maki, yaya and I started signing to MJ pretty early. Starting when MJ was about six months old, we were signing milk, change, more, mommy, daddy, grandma, grandpa, dog, bird, eat, drink.

In late January, I started letting MJ watch the two baby signing videos that we own: First Signs by Baby Einstein and My Baby Can Talk. I didn't do it earlier because we're trying to avoid getting MJ hooked on TV. In this case, I figured a little TV would be fine and it was for a good cause.

The videos really helped because by February, MJ started signing! He started signing around the time he started walking, which I don't think is a coincidence. I think a bunch of things just clicked for him: walking, signing, a few recognizable sounds.

What I realized this time around with MJ is that his signs are incredibly imprecise. With the exception of milk and more, I have to use my imagination to recognize some of his signs, but it's clear he's signing because he's consistent about making the same sign for the same thing. For example, the sign for water is the three middle fingers tapping the chin. MJ takes his index finger and taps the side of his mouth. My guess is that CJ was signing a whole lot more than we gave him credit for but we didn't know it because his hand and finger movements were imprecise.

These days, MJ is signing:
  • Milk
  • More
  • Mommy
  • Daddy
  • Cat
  • Water
  • Eat
  • Walk
  • Dog
  • Up
  • Change
  • All done
  • Please 
  • Thank you
It's so amazingly useful for MJ to be signing. When he wants more of something, he signs more and we give him more.

He signs please appropriately, as in, he signs please when he wants to play with CJ's Nintendo DS and CJ does not want to let him touch it.

When I remind him to say thank you, he signs thank you by putting his palm to his mouth.

When he's done eating, he signs all done and beckons me to pick him up by raising his arms way up.

Whenever he sees a dog outside, in a book or on TV, he signs dog and tries to say dog (do).

Imagine that, he's actually communicating with us even though he can't really talk yet. It's clear he understand what we are saying to him and signing is a way for him to "talk" back to us.

I Hope I'm Raising Readers

I love to read. Maki loves to read. My brother Alex is a voracious reader. My whole family loves to read.

Which is why I'm hoping that my boys will be avid readers. To me, there's nothing like lounging on the couch and immersing myself in a great story. I remember spending an entire weekend on the couch (pre-babies, of course!) reading Harry Potter books!

Reading is an important activity in our house. We have bookshelves and books in nearly every room of the house, we read at any time of day, and we always, always read before going to bed at night. I will often read MJ 2 or 3 of his books, then CJ and I will read a chapter or two from one of his books. Currently, CJ and I are reading Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. I figure he'll be in high school by the time we get to book 7 at the rate we're going, but we're both enjoying reading the story out loud to one another.

Here are some great photos of the boys on CJ's bed one evening. I didn't pose them; they just picked up books on their own and lifted their legs up naturally. Hilarious and adorable!