Tuesday, January 4, 2011

CJ's First Words and Other Word Things

I'm writing this down only so I won't forget it in the future.

CJ's first word was dada.  His next word was "gabugee" for garbage.  We had no idea what he was saying until we went for a walk one day.  CJ kept pointing at things on the ground and saying "gabugee."  So that's when we figured out that "gabugee" meant garbage.

CJ used to call me "mama jsa" and Maki "dada maki."

He called us mama and dada for a long time, but today, it's mommy and daddy.  Sometimes it's mom and dad.  I miss mama and dada.

When CJ and I would read his "Click Clack Moo" book, CJ would say "sinsincerely" instead of sincerely.

CJ still calls blankets "blankies."

And CJ still calls snuggling with me on the couch "snuggies."

On CJ's first 1st grade report card, he got an "Exceeds Expectations" for reading and speaking. I'm not surprised. CJ is very articulate and it's really fun to have conversations with him. I wonder if it's because he's spent so much time with adults.

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