Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I'm back on the treadmill

So I'm finally back on the treadmill and it feels great. They say it takes 28 days (or is it 21?) to make or break a habit, so I'm day 12 into a new routine. What's the routine? 5 minutes of stretching and 25 minutes on the treadmill, at a fast walk, with small weights. I'm going to work up to 30 minutes on the treadmill and heavier weights, but I'm trying to just get back into the habit of exercising.

The first week was brutal. It was just sooooo hard to get up, put on my sports bra, and just start stretching, much less get on the treadmill (that black piece of equipment that mocks me every time I enter the basement). Of course, it helped that the scale showed I had lost 3 lbs, but that's probably mostly water.

A presentation by Joe Dillon ( at my CEO group meeting earlier this month did the trick. He gave us flabby CEOs a routine we can follow: 30 minutes of fast walking with weights 3 times a week + lean protein and carbs at every meal. I'm not quite ready to throw out ALL of the sugar in my diet, but I'm being more careful, especially after the sweets of the Christmas season.

I need to make a few more workout CDs to make exercising interesting, but that's why God made iTunes, right?

If I can lost 10 pounds, I will feel like a million bucks. Stay tuned on my progress.

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