Monday, February 4, 2008

I love Amtrak

Last week, I took the train up to New York City to make a presentation at a client's Board meeting. Did I think about flying up to NY from DC? Not for one minute. Here are the many reasons I love taking the train to NY:

  1. I can get my tickets last minute. Of course, there is always the chance that a specific train will sell out, but I almost never have trouble buying a ticket the night before.
  2. I can get to the train station 30 minutes before the train leaves and still have plenty of time to park my car, go downstairs, go to the bathroom and grab coffee before boarding.
  3. 9 times out of 10, the train leaves on time and arrives on time. On the few occasions that the Acela or Metroliner has been late, it has been by 5-10 minutes. How often does that happen with a commercial flight?
  4. When I arrive in NY, I am less than 10 minutes away by cab from pretty much anywhere I need to go, and there is a civilized taxi line.
  5. It takes less time to get to NY from my house on the train, door to door, than flying.
  6. There is AC power on the train so I can work on my laptop.
  7. There is plenty of legroom.
  8. Although the food is not great, there are lots of options. I can always get by on a bagel and yogurt or pepperoni pizza.
  9. The Arrive magazine actually has some good suggestions for events and restaurants in NY and Washington.
  10. I can use my cell phone if I need to, or go into the quiet car if I want absolutely peace and quiet.
  11. I have a lot of interesting people on the train.
  12. I met my husband on the train! No kiddng!

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