Thursday, February 7, 2008

I'm interested in politics again

I have two degrees in International Relations and I used to be very interested in domestic and international politics. I campaigned for a few candidates and I faithfully read the Post, the Economist, the Far Eastern Economic Review, TIME. But over the past few years, I just lost interest in politics. Although I have never missed voting in a general election (I have even voted in all but one primaries), I just lost interest.

This year, like many people I suspect, is different. I am reading about the presidential campaigns, I'm reading the detailed profiles of the candidates from both parties, and I'm staying up (not too late, but still staying up) to watch the returns. I'm excited that the Democrats will make history with their candidate this year, and it's fun to see a real race for the Republican nomination for a change.

I'm sure the campaign leading up to the November election will get really ugly, really soon, but for now, it's great to be interested again.

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