Saturday, February 16, 2008

I need a mommy coach

I think I need a mommy coach. You know, someone who can guide me through the ins and outs of being a mom, especially a mom of a pre-schooler.

I had a near traumatic experience on Tuesday morning, Valentine's Day. I woke up early to get some work done before my early meeting. CJ had a Valentine's Day party during school and I checked his school newsletter to check the time.

As I read the announcement about the party more closely, it said, "please make sure you bring a valentine for every child in class." Oh my god, I realized that the valentines that CJ had made in school were not sufficient. My child was expected to bring a valentine for every child in the class. So here it was, 6am, I need to be in Maryland by 9am and I hadn't showered or eaten.

I ran around like a crazy woman, looking for supplies. Luckily, CJ and I had made a bunch of paper snowflakes the previous weekend. I decided to make Valentine's Day cards with the snowflakes. Problem was, I could not find the glue stick. I actually called the nanny at home at 6:30am to find out where she keeps the glue stick.

I did it. I made 15 Valentine's Day cards, got dressed, got CJ dressed and ready for school, and was only 15 minutes late to my meeting. CJ did not have to endure the trauma of being the only child without valentines for his classmates. Phew. Saved by the snowflakes.

So I definitely need a mommy coach. Someone who will remind me to buy CJ's Halloween costume in September, tell me what snacks are good for pre-schoolers, teach me about playdate etiquette, and tell me about upcoming craft projects. Dear God, CJ is only 3.

1 comment:

Pamela O'Hara said...

JP - You describe an absolutely typical, this is going to become your norm toddler day and you handled it like a pro! Go you having the wherewithal to pull off 15 CJ designed (albeit converted) valentines at 6 AM. Mommying just means a little flying by the seat of your pants - and I don't know anyone (literally *anyone*) who does that better than you.

Embrace the chaos. It's here to stay. :)