Thursday, June 12, 2008

Water Fun at Summer Camp

This is the second week of CJ's summer camp. He's enjoyed summer camp. But then again, what's not to enjoy? The kids have been playing outside and creating art projects.

Yesterday was water fun day at summer camp. The kids were asked to come to school in their swimsuits and bring a change of clothes. CJ was so excited! He said that the sprinklers were on and there were three inflatable pools. The kids ran through the sprinklers (can you think of anything more fun on a hot, summer day?) and then jumped into the pools.

Summer camp has been good for CJ and us. Maki and I now realize how challenging it will be to have a kid in school every day, 9-12. It's the 12 part that is particularly challenging. Our nanny does not drive, so one of us has to pick him up every day. We have alarms on our phones, and the receptionist has been instructed to make sure, at all costs, that CJ gets picked up. CJ will be in school every day starting in September; let's hope we survive.

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