Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Art of Negotiation and Persuasion

CJ's negotiation skills continue to improve.  Here are some recent examples.

Me:  CJ, can we give away one of your Thomas trains to your friend for his birthday?  You have so many Thomas trains.
CJ:  No!
Me:  But CJ, you have so many; you even have unopened trains that you need to earn with stars.
CJ:  Mama, would you like it if I gave away one of your boxes?  (I collect boxes from around the world.)
Me:    Hmmm... good point, CJ.
CJ:  Mama, I want to keep all my trains in my collection and you want to keep all the boxes in your collection!
Me:  You're right, let's get a present for your friend.

Me:  CJ, it's time for bed.  We're going to read 4 stories coz you're 4.
CJ:  But mama, I'm 4 and a half.  Can I have a bonus?

Me:  CJ, it's time to brush teeth.
CJ:  Can I brush my teeth after stories?
Me:  No, we brush teeth first and then read stories.
CJ:  But mama, I want to read stories first.
Me:  Sorry, CJ, we brush teeth first then we read stories.  Do you need to pee?
CJ:  Mama, I'll pee after stories.
Me:    Okay, you can pee after stories.

I'm toast, I know.

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