Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Cutest Boys in the Universe

CJ loves his baby brother. He says hello to him when gets home, talks to him, sits next to him on the couch, read stories to him, even help give him a bath.

Sure, there are times when CJ is whiny because his activities are constrained by MJ, but we have tried very hard to give CJ his own time and not change his schedule too much.

Here are some adorable photos of the boys. I feel very lucky that they seem to genuinely like each other. We'll see what happens to their relationship as they grow up since there is a 6 year gap in age between them. There will likely be a period when MJ is just too young for CJ, but we'll see.

CJ asked if he could hold MJ so we handed the baby to CJ and this is what I got.

I was taking photos of MJ on the blanket and CJ ran to be in the picture.

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