Saturday, March 26, 2011

First Vegetables and Fruits

MJ is now getting 3 meals a day: rice cereal mid-morning around 10am, a fruit or vegetable mid-afternoon around 3pm, and a fruit or vegetable before dinner around 6pm. He's still getting mom's milk 5 times a day: 8am nursing (or whenever he gets up), at 12noon, 3pm, and 6 and 9pm nursings.

Maki jokes that MJ is getting the best food on earth: mom's milk + organic rice cereal + organic baby food. Does it getter than that?

So far, MJ has gotten sweet potatoes, carrots, peas, apples, bananas and pears. He seems to like sweet potatoes and pears the best. He actually didn't like apples at first, but that's changed and he now eagerly eats everything we put on his spoon.

In fact, MJ is clearly very interested in eating. He stares at us when we're eating and he sometimes cries when it's close to his solid food time and he sees someone eating. You know MJ is hungry and ready because he calms down when we put him in the high chair and he's got his mouth wide open when you put the bowl of baby food down on the tray. Fun times!

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