Monday, August 1, 2011

What Does 10-Month Old MJ Do These Days?

MJ is 10 months old! Actually, he'll be 11 months old in a few days. He has changed quite a bit and is very active these days.

He is good crawler. At around 9 months, he stopped crawling on his belly and started crawling in his hands and knees, belly off the floor. He is fast and he can wiggle through small openings.

At around 9 1/2 months, MJ started pulling himself up. He can now pull himself up easily and can sit back down on his bottom. He's not yet cruising but he's close and he's trying.

He sits up well. He can sit on the floor and play with his toys. I can give him a bath while he's sitting in the tub.

He babbles non-stop. He has a few words but not really. He says dada a lot. He says yaya when he sees Goring. Goring says he says "tita" when he sees Tita Pressie, another nanny in the neighborhood (tita is aunt in Tagalog) and we use it as a polite form when addressing grown-ups; we use tito for male elders.) He also says nana when he is eating a banana. Occasionally, we'll get a mama out of him.

He is a good eater. No, he's a great eater. So far, he's had: bananas, cherries, blueberries, apples, pasta with sausage and peas, sausage tortellini, rice and smoked salmon, rice and raw salmon, bread, chicken salad, miso soup, ikura, orange chicken. Basically, I give him a little of what we are eating each night, unless it's too spicy, chewy or hard. So far, he loves everything we've given him. In fact, he gets really mad if we are eating and he's not. He complains loudly by saying, "aaah, aaaah" and pointing at the food or at whoever is eating.

We have discovered that MJ has a mild allergy to egg. I made scrambled eggs one night and gave him some. His cheeks turned all red and splotchy. He didn't have trouble breathing and no other part of his body got splotchy, but we're not avoiding egg straight up and only giving him egg in other things (e.g., cooked in pasta, in sauces, etc.) The doctor says he could outgrow this if we give him egg a little bit at a time, starting with the yolk since apparently, most people are allergic to the while part of the egg.

MJ loves to go outside. He starts getting antsy in the morning after breakfast, meaning he wants to go for a walk. He seems to like being in the car and he likes going out for lunch or dinner. I try to take him somewhere outside the house at least once during the weekend, even if it's just to the grocery store.

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