Sunday, November 9, 2008

Lost in the Corn Maze

We finally did it!  We visited a corn maze!  Yep, a maze in Bridgemont Farm in Quicksburg, VA.

I had always wanted to visit a corn maze since I hear about them on some local newscast many years ago.  All this Fall weather and an itching to see the colors in the Shenandoah Valley got me to finally make plans.

Quicksburg is two hours away from the DC area so I was glad that our friends Jeff and Monica (and their two daughters) agreed to come out with us.  We set out on Saturday morning and made the beautiful drive in a little over two hours.

My assistant, Timothy, had researched lunch options for us, and we picked Godfather's Pizza, which turned out to be a pizza place attached to an Exxon gas station; thankfully, the pizza was decent.  CJ and Norah (the older daughter, she's nearly 4) got along famously while munching on pizza, drinking chocolate milk, and playing with some Thomas trains that CJ had brought along.

The corn maze was great fun.  Bridgemont Farm creates a different maze each year (unbelievable, isn't it?) and this year the maze was a kangaroo and a koala.  There are different ways to enjoy the corn maze:
  • You can find your way through one maze.
  • After completing one maze, you can cross over to the other and complete the other maze.
  • While making your way through the maze, you can look for kid stations, where the kids can read about Australia, find missing words, and do rubbings.

We were told that it takes 2-3 hours to complete both mazes and do all the activities.  2-3 hours didn't sound practical with a couple of toddlers and a baby, so we just wandered and wandered and wandered. After about an hour, we just headed back toward the barn, used a couple of shortcuts, and made our way back to the entrance.  Afterward, CJ and Norah were just as happy to play in the hay maze, the line maze, the swings and the slides.

The drive to and from was gorgeous.  The hills and low mountains were covered in yellow, orange and red trees.  I told Maki that I want to visit Luray Caverns next.  

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