Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Happy, Smiley MJ

Maki and I feel incredibly blessed that MJ is a happy, smiley baby.  He started smiling at around 5 or 6 weeks.  His smiles started out as little turns of the mouth, but now he's smiling broadly, laughing, giggling, even shrieking.

MJ smiles back easily when you give him a big grin.  And he laughs if he's being held up in the air, or you use his fingers to point at different part of his body or your face.  He shrikes with laughter when Maki takes his hand and lets him feel his unshaven face. Go wonder.

Here are some recent photos.  MJ usually stops smiling the minute the camera comes out, not because he's shy but I think it's because he gets curious about the device and then wants to stare at it.  So I generally have to move my face away from the viewfinder and give him big smiles so he'll smile back at me.  Generally works.

The boys spend a lot of time together on the couch: CJ playing 
games on the PS3 or the iPad and MJ watching him.

MJ likes being on his changing pad; he lifts his legs in the air, 
watches the ceiling fan and watches the family.

This is new; he's now sticking his tongue out.

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