Monday, February 7, 2011

What Does a Four-Month Old Do?

So MJ is four months old, actually almost five months old. Here's what he's doing these days:

He gets a lot of tummy time, as much as 3-4 times a day. He's pretty good natured about tummy time for the first few minutes, then he gets tired and starts to complain and put his head down. If we leave him for a few more minutes, he starts to cry.  That's our sign that he's had enough. He gets tummy time on the couch, on his gymini, on the changing pad, on our bed.

He is grabbing stuff, like my fingers, the animals on his gymini, his rattle.

He is batting at things and the air a lot. When he's on his back on the boppy, he just lifts his arms in the air and pats his legs. When he's nursing, he waves his free arm and pat, pat, pats on himself, my face, my chest.

He's starting to babble, not much and nothing intelligible, but he is definitely "saying" stuff.

He just started eating solid foods (more on that in another post). Not a lot, just a couple of teaspoons of rice cereal mixed with breast milk at night.

He sleeps a lot. He sleeps 9, 10, 11 hours a night. He might get up a couple of times and need soothing and reswaddling by me or Maki (mostly Maki), but he goes right back to sleep. He also takes 3-4 naps during the day, usually about an hour after nursing/taking a bottle. He naps before noon, after lunch, in the mid afternoon, and around 8pm, right before his last nursing.

He goes out for walks. Unless the weather is awful, our nanny takes him and our nanny share toddler out for a walk. They go out for hours.

He goes out to lunch. Turns out that he takes a nap right after his noon nursing, so we tend to go out to lunch on Saturday, after CJ gets back from swimming.  MJ usually naps after lunch, or if he doesn't, he's very mellow. We've taken him out a couple of dozen times already and he's always been very good.

He goes shopping. We almost always go grocery shopping as a family during the weekend. Maki puts him in the bjorn and he usually falls asleep.

So there you have it, the life of a four-month old.

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