Thursday, July 10, 2008

The funny things he says - more

Mom friends beseech me to write down the cute things that CJ says, so here you go:

Mom, why do you have to go to work? (Answer: so I can make money to buy you trains. CJ: Oh.)

Mama, here's a cat kiss. (kiss, meow)

Mama, I collect trains, you collect boxes, and dada collects batteries and computers. (Because Maki has a collection of batteries for CJ's various toys and is always replacing batteries in something.)

Edward is still Edwin.

Look still sounds like wook.

And sincerely is sinsincerely.

Mama, tell me a story about Thomas and (fill in the blank. Recent stories have been about the ceiling fan, the window, the pigeon, the nothing, the bad engine, the good engine, and the cat.)

Mama, is dada at the data center again?

Mama, I want to send you an e-mail.

Mama, what's your phone number? (picking up his toy cell phone)

I supposed to do that. (yes, the am disappears, this is a HUGE favorite these days)

Mama, I want Apple TV. (because there are endless Thomas episodes on Apple TV)

Mama, you're always late.

Mama, I'm frustrated. (Auntie Dayna taught him the word)

Mama, I'm starving. What does starving mean again?

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