Monday, September 1, 2008

Adventures at the Mall

On Saturday, Maki, CJ and I went to the mall. I just had to share some of the funny things that CJ said.

On approaching Nordstrom, CJ was trying to read the store name.
CJ: Mom, are we going to Netherlands?
Mom: Netherlands? No, we're going to Norstrom.
CJ: No, we're going to Netherlands.

On leaving the Verizon store, where they sell Crocs carrying cases for phones.
CJ: Mom, this isn't a phone store, it's a Crocs store!

As we went from floor to floor.
CJ: Mom, I want to take the excavator.
Mom: You mean the elevator or the escalator?
CJ: No, the excavator!

As we approached EVERY mall directory.
CJ: Stop, I want to look at the map. You are here. We're here, mom! (pointing to the red "you are here" dot on each map)

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