Sunday, August 3, 2008

The Funny Things He Says

Here are the latest funny-isms from CJ.

Mama, tell me a story about James and the what.

Grandma, I'm going to Costa Rica with mama. Mama, is dada coming?

When Henry the green engine was lost: Mama, Henry's on vacation.

CJ: Mama, I don't like fish.
Mama: But CJ, your favorite foods are salmon and tuna sushi. Salmon and tuna are fish.
CJ: But I don't like fish. I like salmon and tuna.

While waiting in line at McDonald's: Mama, this line sure is slow.

I supposed to do it. (This is very popular these days.)

Mama, can you turn off the music? I want to listen to the sound of the rain. (This wasn't funny, it struck me as very thoughtful.)

Mama, I want 132 trains/books/pieces of salmon sushi.

Dada: CJ, please go back to bed.
CJ: But I have something to tell mama.

CJ: Can I have more Thomas on the computer?
Mama: No CJ, I don't want you on the computer all day.
CJ: But mama, I haven't been on the computer all day! Just 20 more minutes.

CJ: Look at my drawing!
Elyse: Wow, CJ, that's something else.
CJ: What is it then?

Mama: CJ, we are supposed to wash hands before dinner.
CJ: Okay, mama, if you say so.

Mama, I got a mosquitie bite.

Mama, this strawberry is really flavorly.

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