Monday, November 8, 2010

CJ is an Amazing Big Brother

When asking about the baby, most friends and family ask how CJ is adjusting to the baby and being a big brother.  CJ and MJ are six years apart and CJ is thrilled, absolutely thrilled to be a big brother.

For the most part, CJ has been amazing.  He talks to MJ, he reads him stories, he plays with MJ, and he doesn't fuss when MJ sets the schedule.

Don't get me wrong.  CJ complains loudly when MJ is crying loudly.  And CJ is sometimes awoken by MJ's crying in the morning (usually, however, he sleeps right through the crying).  And he complains about not having enough snuggle time with mommy.

Maki and I have worked hard to make sure that CJ gets plenty of attention and his schedule has stayed consistent.  For example, his bedtime routine has not changed: Maki or I read him stories then snuggle with him for a few minutes before lights out.  And I give him my undivided attention in the morning while he's getting ready for school.

All in all, CJ has been an amazing big brother.   Because of the six-year difference in age, CJ and MJ may not be best friends early on, but I hope they'll be buddies later in life.  And I know CJ will look after his "baby brother."

Love this photo of the boys one weekend morning.

Here's CJ talking to Marcus John.

CJ hanging out with MJ one morning while mommy makes breakfast.

After seeing his dad walk around with MJ in the Baby Bjorn, CJ asked to do the same.

 I love this photo of the boys goofing off before bedtime.

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