Friday, November 5, 2010

Welcome, Marcus John!

Marcus John was born at 1:33 pm. He weighed 7 lbs., 15 oz. and measured 19.5 inches. By comparison, CJ was born 6 lbs., 8 oz. and measured 19 inches. So Marcus started out life as a much bigger baby. Of course, CJ was born two weeks early, while Marco went full-term.

I can't remember what it was, but Marco's apgar score was evidently good, he didn't need any formula to get his blood sugar up (like CJ did) and he didn't need any lights. He also cried right after being born, which is always a good sign. I nursed Marco right in the delivery room and he did pretty well.

It felt so great to hold Marco, to finally meet him and give him a great, big hug!

This is Marcus John with mommy. His eyes and face
are all shiny because they put drops in his eyes.

This is Marcus John with his dad.

This is Marcus John with Theresa, the nurse who delivered him.
Theresa was awesome. She knew I wanted to deliver naturally,
she gave me courage when mine was flagging, and she kept
reminding me to breathe.

 This is Liz, the midwife who delivered MJ

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