Monday, November 8, 2010

Marcus John and Grandparents

Maki's mom says it's more fun to be a grandparent than a parent and I bet she's right.  Parents have to endure the sleepless nights, change thousands of diapers a year, try to calm fussy children, and provide discipline.  While grandparents get to spoil their grandchildren.

I heard Barbara Bush speak at the Kennedy Center a few years ago and she said that her grandkids love spending time with her because she's never in a rush around her grandkids.  Think about it.  As parents, we're always late to something with our kids: school, dinner, a birthday party, a playdate.  But when the grandparents spend time with the grandkids, there's almost never a schedule and grams and grandpa are content to let the kids set the schedule and the pace.  God bless grandparents!

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