Saturday, November 27, 2010

Mobile MJ

When CJ was 4 1/2 months old, my best friend Dayna was visiting.  Maki and I went out to dinner with her, with CJ in tow.  We went to a Vietnamese restaurant that's close by and serves food fast.  It was the first time we brought CJ out to dinner with us.  We did it at the urging of my sister Patricia who urged us to start going out with CJ so he and we would get used to going out together.  Since then, we've made it a habit to go out to dinner on most Saturday nights, with CJ of course.

Six years later and Patricia's advice has really worked out for us.  CJ loves going out to eat, he's a good and pretty adventurous eater, and we get to enjoy meals out as a family.

With MJ, we're starting early.  When MJ was about a month and a half old, Maki took a Friday off and spent the day with me and MJ.  CJ was at school and our nanny share didn't come to the house, so no nanny.  Maki and I went to lunch at one of our favorite Italian restaurants, bringing MJ with us.  I nursed around noon, then we left immediately for the restaurant.  As we hoped, MJ slept through most of the meal and we enjoyed a nice lunch.  After lunch, we went back home so I could nurse, then we went to see our financial adviser.  Again, MJ was a gem and slept through most of our appointment.

Since then, we've taken MJ to Harris Teeter nearly every weekend and we've been to our favorite restaurant several times with CJ and MJ.  The first time we went out with MJ, we forgot the diaper bag.  Today, we're more organized, now that we're back in the habit of hauling a whole bunch of baby gear.

It feels great to be so mobile with the baby!

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